Financial Advice for AVERAGE PEOPLE

One reason why 90 percent of people are financially average is because they follow average advice, for example:

1. “Go to School”
2. “Get a JOB”
3. “Work Hard”
4. “Save money”
5. “Your house is an asset and your biggest investment”
6. “Live below your means”
7. “Get out of debt”
8. “Invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds”
9. “Retire, and the government will support you
10.“Live Happily Ever After”

“Live happily ever after is added because the above financial advices are fairy tales of money.” from The Conspiracy of the Rich by Robert Kiyosaki

True enough… Today, we still do not have adequate financial education in our schools.

During the dark days of our Spanish Era, Filipino slaves were forbidden to be educated. An educated slave class was a dangerous slave class. Today, we fail to teach kids to be financially literate. It is another way of creating slaves- wage slaves.

Immediately after leaving school, most kids begin to look for a job, save money, buy a house and invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds.

Now that millions of people are losing their jobs, what do they do? They go back to school to get trained, look for a new job, try to save money, pay their mortgage, and invest for their retirement in mutual funds. And they teach their kids to do the same.

Ivan Pavlov won a Nobel Price in 1904 in Physiology and Medicine for his research on the digestive system of dogs. Today, when we hear the term Pavlov’s dogs, it refers to conditioned response. Going to school to get a high-paying job, saving your money for a house, and investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and mutual funds are examples of a conditioned response. Many people cannot articulate why they do these things. They simply do it because it is what they were taught, a conditioned response.

History is full of success stories of those who ignored conditioned responses and forged their own path. The Wright Brothers and Henry Ford never finished high school. Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Steve Jobs never finished college. Sergey Brin of Google suspended his PhD studies in Stanford. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook in his dorm room at Harvard, traveled to California, and never returned to finish his education. All of these world-changers dropped out of school because they no longer needed to look for a JOB.

They had an idea and the courage to act on that idea. They started businesses and created jobs for others. Today, entrepreneurship is exploding all over the world. More important, the most successful entrepreneurs understand that we are in the information age. They have the vision to see the changes happening that most do not.

Question: What advice do you have for the average person?

Answer: Don’t be average

Credits to The Conspiracy of the Rich by Robert Kiyosaki.